# Quick Start

Bitwarden SSH Manager is written in Golang. It is small and very fast tool. You can find detailed examples how to use it.

# Generate Test SSH Key pair

Before using your SSH keys to store in Bitwarden, let's create dummy key and test with it.

  1. Open Terminal.
  2. Paste the command below
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 
  1. When you're prompted to "Enter a file in which to save the key," enter test.
  2. At the prompt, do not type a secure passphrase.

# Add SSH Key

Let's be sure that we have previously created keys:

ls -l test*
-rw-------  1 X  staff  432 Mar 30 08:38 test
-rw-r--r--  1 X  staff  112 Mar 30 08:38 test.pub

Now we can add them to Bitwarden.

bw-ssh add --name test --private-key test --public-key test.pub

# Get SSH Key

Once we have SSH key pair on Bitwarden, let's get them to our local machine.

❯ bw-ssh get --name test
SSH Key test added.

Let's check ~/.ssh/keys folder if our keys are added.

ls -l ~/.ssh/keys/
-rw-------  1 X  staff   432 Mar 30 11:05 test
-rw-------  1 X  staff   112 Mar 30 11:05 test.pub

# Session Duration

After a login with Bitwarden CLI tool, it will return a session key that you will need to define it as environment variable. Otherwise it will keep asking you to enter your credentials all the time. You can read for more info at Bitwarden documentation (opens new window).